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Unlock the Definitive Guide to Enterprise Marketplace Success 

The eCommerce landscape is rapidly shifting, with businesses turning to and embracing the marketplace model as their best pathway to growth. In 2020, online marketplaces represented 62% of all online sales, and grew at double the rate of overall eCommerce, during some of the most remarkable quarters of online sales growth ever.

Navigating this new environment requires a modern playbook: a definitive guide dedicated to helping businesses launch and scale enterprise marketplaces of their own, regardless of industry. As a result, Mirakl created the 11 Essential Best Practices from Leading Enterprise Marketplaces. Developed with the insights and expertise that only comes from working with more than 300 preeminent enterprise marketplace leaders, the 11 Best Practices is the foremost guide for unlocking the benefits of this new, innovative way of doing business.

In this eBook, you’ll discover: 

  • How to use an enterprise marketplace to unlock innovative growth opportunities.
  • Guidelines around marrying scale and curation to ensure you’re maximizing choice while preserving brand integrity.
  • Common pitfalls to avoid when launching and scaling an enterprise marketplace.
  • In-depth case studies and real-world examples from leading Platform Pioneers such as The Kroger Co., Express, and Toyota Material Handling

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Suggerimenti preziosi condivisi dai maggiori platform pioneer

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Quali sono gli elementi alla base del successo di un marketplace enterprise?

Best Practices eBook - Key Findings Elements 1 (215w X 300w)

Visione strategica per garantire un lancio efficace del marketplace e conseguire livelli di crescita costanti che caratterizzano le piattaforme di maggior successo

Best Practices eBook -  Key Findings Elements 2 (215w X 300w)

Decisioni operative fondamentali che influenzano l'esperienza d’acquisto dei clienti su marketplace e la loro decisione di tornare a fare acquisti in futuro

Best Practices eBook - Key Findings Elements 3 (215w X 300w)

Catalizzatori e change management per promuovere, monitorare e reagire al successo del marketplace attraverso la creazione delle giuste condizioni di crescita

Accedi alle 11 best practice fondamentali suggerite dai principali marketplace enterprise

Mirakl ha riassunto le storie di successo di oltre 300 principali marketplace enterprise operanti in più di 40 Paesi in settori quali retail, commercio all'ingrosso, industria manifatturiera e forniture. Tutte queste realtà sono basate sullapiattaforma Mirakl e sono guidatedalla determinazione di platform pioneer che hanno riconosciuto la forza del modello marketplace enterprise. Queste 11 best practice rappresentano le basi del successo di questa innovativa modalità di fare business.

Scarica l'e-book integrale e scopri subito come massimizzare il successo con un marketplace enterprise.

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